Experience the JOY

of Humanitarian Service

The Medical, Eye & Dental International Care Organization (MEDICO) promotes and provides health care in poor, rural communities in Central America where such care is extremely limited or not available. We sponsor clinical teams consisting of international and local medical, dental and vision care providers, nurses, and lay volunteers to operate temporary field clinics. MEDICO promotes public health by providing community health education and by sponsoring professional training of local providers. We organize and fund community improvements including the repair, renovation or building of village clinics, water systems and schools. MEDICO is an independent non-profit organization made up almost entirely of volunteers. We are not affiliated or allied with any political group or religious organization.


MEDICO in the Field

MEDICO’s work is accomplished by volunteers. That might mean anything from volunteer work in the United States to treating patients in a remote village in Honduras. Our volunteers help organize and teach classes, and they work out the logistics of building  clinics and schools. Equally vital are our donors who support MEDICO's mission efforts in Central America. It takes a team to make our work happen.

Where We Work


MEDICO’s current programs are centered in Honduras. We have worked in Honduras for over 30 years. The population of Honduras is approximately 10 million, of which nearly 15% of the people live on less than US $1.90 a day. While the Honduran health care system is staffed for the most part by competent, caring and compassionate professionals, they are simply overwhelmed by the need, especially in rural areas. In comparison, even the smallest fee takes medical, dental or vision care out of reach of most people. In the more remote areas of the country, such as Gracias a Dios in the east, there are no roads, so even transport to medical care is impossible, even if such care existed. MEDICO works directly with communities. Our assessment teams along with the Ministry of Health locate communities where the need is most critical. We select communities able and willing to work collaboratively with us. What do they need? How can we help? What can we do together? This is often a MEDICO/Honduran medical-dental-vision care team. It might be community classes on family planning, nutrition, or sanitation. It might be repairs or upgrades to their clinic or their school or the community water system.

Our Programs

Learn about the many ways MEDICO works with communities to help people improve their lives.


Volunteer Spotlight

"An established organization with a long history of service in communities in dire need of support, MEDICO Teams have become the highlight of my year.  Over the years I have met so many amazing selfless volunteers and formed friendships and bonds that will last a lifetime.

I am constantly humbled by the outpouring of hospitality and kindness shown to us by the Honduran people and inspired by their sense of community and culture. Never short in demand, the Medical and Dental teams have been missed through the COVID epidemic and are needed now more than ever, and I am excited for the opportunity to serve as part of this amazing team."

Mike DeLeo
Firefighter / EMS, California

Mike D

Thinking about joining a MEDICO team?

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