MEDICO’s core mission is to provide and promote good health care. While all of our programs support this mission, the foundation of it all are the field teams that travel to an area that has little or no access to basic health care. MEDICO field teams set up a temporary clinic and see all who come. Our teams examine and treat hundreds of people who may travel hours or even days for this chance to see a medical provider.
By truck, boat, plane or on foot, our field teams transport the equipment and supplies needed to operate a basic field clinic. Our nurses and technicians triage the hundreds of patients who come to the clinic and assist the medical providers when treating them. Local providers, village elders and school teachers are all integral parts of the team, while providing our service to the community. It is a team effort.
If you join one of our teams, you might well save a life now and again. However, the real work is the everyday practice of medicine and dentistry. Helping a mother whose child’s cough won’t go away. Treating an elderly woman whose back pain makes every day an ordeal. Seeing infections, trauma, chronic conditions. These are things you see in your office every day, but here, in this world of poverty and isolation, your patients had little hope of being treated by a trained provider. You can change things. You will change lives. You might change your own. Many of us who come from health care backgrounds remember that the reason we started down this road was to comfort the sick, to relieve pain. That’s what our field teams do.