Days for Girls is an international organization whose mission is to “advance menstrual equity, health, dignity and opportunity for all.” MEDICO chose to partner with Days for Girls because we believe proper menstrual health education and resources is a universal human right, helping to increase gender equality across the villages in which we work. MEDICO's mission teams deliver menstrual health education in the field to both boys and girls respectively. Health education provided to the girls is coupled with each girl receiving an individualized and sustainable feminine hygiene kit. Each kit includes a carrier bag, soap, washcloth, two pairs of underwear, and two patented DFG pads with eight absorbent liners.
Realizing the need to address women’s menstrual issues in remote communities, MEDICO began a partnership with Days for Girls International ( This program includes a health education curriculum and a DfG kit distribution. The DfG kit includes washable, reusable waterproof shields, absorbent liners and panties, soap, a washcloth, a carry pouch for washing and storing, and a drawstring bag to hold the components. Each kit is designed to last several years.
Recognizing the need to address health education for men/boys, Days for Girls has developed a curriculum, Boys Who Know, for them, also.
MEDICO partners with local communities to schedule classes where the health education programs are presented, and kits are distributed. Often, the local health nurse who understands the community needs, will assist with presenting the health education curriculum.